Monday, March 26, 2007

More than two weeks

It has been more than two weeks since I blogged? Wow. I blame it on being sick. I now know I was getting sick days before I actually stopped functioning as a person. I was grumpy and tired (or is that tired and grumpy?). Staring at the computer made my eyes hurt, so I didn't blog.

Now, however, I have no excuse! In fact, I have a friend who is (was) crossing the South Pacific in a sail boat and bloggin about it, but I have been so lazy I haven't checked out his blog yet. Bad, Chad, bad. I'll get on it ASAP.

Because I was sick, my mom and I cancelled our trip to Milwaukee. I got better and probably would have been fine to go, but it was good to stay home that weekend (spring break at Hudson County Comm. College) and relax. Maybe we will go in May after finals.

Saturday, March 10, 2007


"You gave me a little something to take home. I dropped it on the floor. Dropped it on the floor. I dropped it.

If I can only remember the name that's enough for me because names hold the key. Names hold key.
Souvenir of nothing."

I was in Philadelphia for a couple of days. I went down for the King Tutankhamen exhibit at the Frankiln Institute of Science. The King Tut exhibit travels around--and has been travelling for 30 years--and I have never seen it before. I thought it would be a good thing to do, especially as I am leaving NYC this summer. I saw the exhibit on Thursday.

On Friday I went to Independence Hall. I also saw the Liberty Bell. Both are important symbols to Americans. I was glad that I did that instead of doing what I had originally planned; going to the Philadelphia Museum of Art. I still walked up near the museum though as I was going to the Rodin Museum which is nearby. I like Rodin. I actually fell asleep in a chair in the small musuem looking at the are and waiting for the gift shop to open.

I bought a postcard for a friend. That postcard and another from the King Tut exhibit were the only souvenirs I bought in Philly. The King Tut card was mailed to Salt Lake yesterday from Philly. The other card I will just give to my friend when I see her Monday. I took no pictures and will throw the maps I got in the recycling bin. And then I'll just have memories. And that's the key.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

third in 3

Well, Lost is on (and I'm typing this).

I only watch 3 TV shows (well maybe 5, but that's getting nitpicky!). Lost is one of them. I like Lost for lots of reasons: the mystery, the more-than-normal varied cast (for the US anyway), the beach, the sense of humor...

This is the third season but the ratings are way down. That is way bad; they might decide to cancel the show. This season isn't the best, but as a TV show it is much better others (or at least I think so, but then, what do I know: I don't watch that much). An important thing for me is that the show has a path, a finish, a goal. If the show is cancelled early, it won't get there. However, I do know that the bad ratings has forced the producers to consider some endings. Whatever they do, I hope they put real effort into it. I'd be sad to have gotten addicted to a show only to have it die of bad writing!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

so much beauty in the world

Last night, I was taking the bus crosstown on 125th in Harlem. I saw something that reminded me of a movie I really like. Here is the scene:

What I saw was 50 or so plastic bags and other pieces of garbage swirling and swirling around, beaten by both the wind and the movement and heat through vents from the 2 train below. Was it as beautiful as the scene from the movie--not in the least. It was pretty and interesting to watch, but at the same time I had a strong twinge of regret that this great city can get this dirty.

What was the name of the movie? American Beauty.

Monday, March 05, 2007


Last week was midterms at St. John's. I dutifully gave a midterm to my writing students. This week, I will be dutifully reading them all--probably today. Then, I will spend extra time using a rubric I made (heavily inspired by Gail O'Connell) to try and explain to the students why they are getting the score they deserve. After that, I will enter their grades in the computer. All this and there is not even class this week. Which is very good because it is a lot of work without having to worry about the usual requirements.

Unfortunately, I think my extra work is going to waste.

Part of the students' grades is based on their effort. Their effort, as shown by their lack of blogging, seems to be fairly low. I suppose I could just go online right now, before I even read their papers and give failing marks for most and be justified in doing that. I did remind them by e-mail and in class last Tuesday that they were supposed to be blogging. It is not some random idea that I just pulled out of the air to have them do, but rather a time-honored technique of journal writing updated for the Internet age.

I'm disappointed. However, that does not mean I am not going read every paper completely and thoroughly, fill out the rubric and then enter the grades.