Thursday, December 18, 2008

Wedding Enkai

On November 22, 2008, we had our first wedding enkai. (Enkai, remember, is just a dinner party--usually with an open bar.)
Mizuma Chugakko (Jr. High) Women

This enkai was held for our Kyushu people. About 28 people showed up. A few more might have shown up had they been given more notice and if the elementary school that I go to not had a real wedding the day after our enkai.

Mizuma Kominkan (Community Center) Folks
From Left to right, that is Maggie, Nagata-san, Nariko, Tanaka-san, me and Mutsumi over Tamamitsu-san and Tanaka-san.
The date is supposed to be auspicious: 11/22. Couples day. Not sure about the whole reason, something to do with the numbers...
The restaurant was nice, it was not a traditional enkai restaurant. They made their own sweet potato chips and served a mushroom soup in a pumpkin (pumpkins here are green and a little smaller than your average US pumpkin). Unfortunately, Mutsumi and I were talking so much we did not really eat. I did manage to drink to much though; if anyone sees your glass is low, they fill it up, and, as I was talking to almost everybody, everybody kept filling mine up.

I should have taken more pictures.

Araki Shogakko (Elementary)

From left to right--Me and Mutsumi, Shingai-sensei, Egami-sensei, Nagano-san, Nagano baby, and Nagano-sensei

Near the end, Emily and Nariko got up and did a duet, Take the A Train. That was great!

I did not get a picture of the men from Mizuma Chugakko or most of my Gaijin friends. Shoganai! (That means `Oh, well` or `C`est la vie!`)

At the end, Tanaka-san was very tired--and a little drunk. We over stayed our welcome by more than 30 minutes. We were having a good time, and I, the host, didn`t pay attention!


Back in October, Mutsumi and I went to Unzen.

Unzen is a volcano south of where I live. It has created its own penisula, just to the east of Nagasaki. It last erupted in 1991 when is continued to spew lava and ash sporadically through 1995. On a clear day, I can see it from my apartment. (Don`t worry Ma, I am safe!)

Because of the volcanic activity, there are hot springs there. There is a small town that rests in the cradle of the mountains just south of the volcano. The town smells like sulfur but has great hot baths which the Japanese call onsens. This sign entreats you to enjoy the hot water as long as you can.

You won`t find a picture of an onsen here, besides the fact that I would not take my camera in with all that water, most people would be offended that some idiot was taking their picture while they were bathing. Wouldn`t you?

The hot springs are called Hells in Japanese. Try to imagine being in one for eternity...

Ah, you get the idea!

Japanese devils/demons are called Oni.

This oni is in Beppu, one of THE hot spring centers in Japan (it has the most hot spring activity anywhere in the world outside of Yellowstone). I will tell you about Beppu another time, but I had to show you the picture!

The Japanese have quite a tourist industry set up around their natural hot springs. The onsens that are attached to these are supposed to be better for you, curing everything from rheumetism to eczema... Unzen has some huge hotels.