Sunday, October 29, 2006

Cheap Movie

It turns out that you can see a movie for less than $10 in the city. You only have to make an effort. The theatre on 34th street is, as I already knew, not the most popular in the city. As such, and considering it has about 15 screens, they are working hard to get customers in to see movies. Regular movies are only $9.50 instead of $10.50. Yeah, I know, one dollar, but, hey! take what you can get. In addition, movies before noon are only $6. At other theatres they are $7 or $7.50.

Who wants to get up that early to see a movie? I went to see Flags of Our Fathers this morning, 10:20. Not too early for popcorn. either (which I bought for $1.50 from a bodega in Penn Station).

Not everything is perfectly rosy though. The theatres tend to be a bit on the cold side. Worse, less than half of the sinks in the bathroom work. No lines for the toilets, but if you want to wash your hands, you are in trouble!

I've been on a movie binge lately: four films in eight days and all at the same theatre. I originally chose that theatre because it was one of only three still showing Jet Lee's Fearless. I did not end up seeing it the first time I went, so I had to return (and some jerk was talking on his phone in the movie!). The third time the theatre had the best start time for The Departed (yes, I liked it better than the original) and today I wanted to see Flags of Our Fathers.

Will I go again? We'll see. I want to see The Last King of Scotland and it is only showing at the Lincoln Cinemas. I'm off Tuesday so that seems like a good idea. As long as I am back to hand out candy!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Next week is the annual Greenwich Village Halloween parade. It is quite a sight. For hours (yes, hours!) you can go and watch the elaborate costumes go by. Yes, it can be a bit crowded. Yes, it can get a little chilly. However, it is fun. I went my first year in New York. I was early (if you know me, you are not surprised by that statement) and had to wait. As I was early, I got to be right in front and that was nice. I didn't have to crane my neck or stand on my tiptoes to look around someone else's head. While the dragqueens and scary costumes were cool, I really liked the monsters that were set up on people's backs and moved by wires. Very cool.

Speaking of cold, I was talking with my Speaking/Listening class yesterday about the coming winter. Yesterday was a chilly day with the wind blowing. In class, one student did not take off his jacket and another did not take off her sweatshirt; she didn't wear a coat. Some of the students are from Taiwan and Shanghai are really do not know waht the weather is going to be like here in the winter. The Taiwanese students are going to be surprised to see snow, perhaps for the first time in their lives, while the student from Shanghai says it only snows once a winter, if at all. We talked about boots, coats, hoods, gloves, hats and earmuffs. It made me laugh a little. However, I did think it was an important topic to talk about after class.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Six Feet Under

I started watching Six Feet Under today. My friend Daniel lent me his VHS tapes of the first season. (Funny, eh? VHS tapes...I don't think they make them anymore.) I like the first three episodes that I watched today, but I have to tell you, it is very heavy on there being lots of bad things happening to the family. I'm not sure what I think about that. The humor is quirky though, and that is cool.

I have also been watching the first season of My Name is Earl and the fourth season of Scrubs. Or rather, I've been trying not to watch Scrubs. Has to be my favorite. I love the humor (Dr. Cox's snappy banter is great) and the sappy moral/lesson at the end. However, I've been trying to finish My Name is Earl first.

I don't get any TV stations, no cable or satellite, or even an antenna. So I just get the seasons on discs of shows I like. Unfortunately, this is expensive. C'est la vie.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Health Inspection Visit

Yesterday I watched something that I had never viewed as a customer: an inspection by the board of health. I was at the greasy spoon I like to go to (Friends Diner, it is right by the Kew Gardens Subway stop) before class. As I was trying to enjoy my breakfast (two eggs scrambled with homefries, wheat toast dry, and a cup of joe) in walked an inspector. The guys that work at the diner tried to keep their cool, but it was easy to tell they were ruffled. The cook (one of two or three brothers, I think, that work there) did not have a hat on--a big no-no. He took the hat from the head of the counter/phone order guy (his younger brother I think, who goes to college in the afternoon and evening) who then had to search for hat. The search took about 30 minutes and was successful only when they talked to the florist down the block on the corner. There were some 'discussioins' over bacon and over turkey: When had it been cooked, how long was it cooled, where was it stored, etc. I felt a little bad for the guys; I know from experience that these things can be tough. However, I do want to eat at a safe, clean place. If I am grumpy tomorrow during class, you will know it is because I could not get my coffee and breakfast because they failed their inspection. I sincerely doubt that will happen!

Friday, October 13, 2006

Aren't you glad...?

I bet my students are you glad we had class outside on Tuesday as it is so chilly today Yes, I know it was noisy with the jets and people walking around us. During the earlier class, we also had to contend with noise from the groundskeepers who were using riding lawnmowers and electric trimmers. I am sure they won't just be glad today: After a couple days of rain in November when we have to run from building to building, we will all think back to sitting on the grass for a warm afternoon.

I hope my students didn't find Thursday's class too boring. I really wanted them to have certain tools--transition words. Maybe I should have thought of a better way to deliver the information. Gotta work on that! Oh well, at least I am sure they understood it the way it was delivered.

Today I need to run out and get The End, the last book in A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snickett ( Maybe I should recommend these books for my college students. The books might be on the right level but I doubt they have time to actually read. I remember having very little time when I was in school. Of course, I was working too--something my students don't have to do. Also, tonight I am supposed to have an iftar dinner--a Ramadan dinner after sunset.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Sunday night at 11pm and I should be asleep

I've been waiting for a friend to send me some pictures of the concert we went to on Thursday night. Unfortunately he hasn't done so. I thought I would share the pics, but, as I think about it, that is probably a silly idea. How much could a dark picture (the bright lights were all behind the stage) show of what was going on? We saw Massive Attack ( and at the Roseland. Fun was had by all, although I think my ears are still ringing: we were so close there were only three people in front of me--nobody was pushing in though, it wasn't that kind of concert.

Today, I did something totally different. Some friends and I headed up my hill to Fort Tryon of the Medieval Festival. Kind of silly, and a let down. Waaaaay too many people. That might be because of the weather, though. It was a perfect day to be outside. Fort Tryon, and The Cloisters ( are a short walk. I used to walk through the park, by the museum, every Saturday on my way to work at the Inwood library. Today was the first time I have ever walked the road instead of the paths because the roads were all blocked off from traffic and there were a lot of booths and vendors selling things.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Mom's in Town

Wow! I have had a busy two days.

My mom arrived late Thursday night (actually, early Friday morning). Friday we went shopping at Macy's. We found some pants on sale in the basement and I spent all the money I had on some Gift Cards I was given. Then we went upstairs and were disgusted looking at overpriced coats--some were more than $200, some more than $300, and one was even $600.

Friday night we went to see Wicked. It is a musical based on a book that I like. The musical is really popular but I was sort of bored--mostly with the music. Mom really liked it.

Yesterday, Saturday, we took a boat ride all around Manhattan. It took three hours. It was very cool. We saw my apartment building and I was able to pick out my apartment too. Last night we met a friend for dinner. We went down to the East Village and had Moroccan food. It was good, but my mom's (as she will tell you) didn't have any vegetables.

Today we are taking it easy. Tonight we are going to the New Leaf Cafe which is located in Fort Tryon Park. Ought to be good. Then, she has to fly out at 6 am tomorrow morning. Way too early! Oh well, I should be able to go back to sleep!