Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Health Inspection Visit

Yesterday I watched something that I had never viewed as a customer: an inspection by the board of health. I was at the greasy spoon I like to go to (Friends Diner, it is right by the Kew Gardens Subway stop) before class. As I was trying to enjoy my breakfast (two eggs scrambled with homefries, wheat toast dry, and a cup of joe) in walked an inspector. The guys that work at the diner tried to keep their cool, but it was easy to tell they were ruffled. The cook (one of two or three brothers, I think, that work there) did not have a hat on--a big no-no. He took the hat from the head of the counter/phone order guy (his younger brother I think, who goes to college in the afternoon and evening) who then had to search for hat. The search took about 30 minutes and was successful only when they talked to the florist down the block on the corner. There were some 'discussioins' over bacon and over turkey: When had it been cooked, how long was it cooled, where was it stored, etc. I felt a little bad for the guys; I know from experience that these things can be tough. However, I do want to eat at a safe, clean place. If I am grumpy tomorrow during class, you will know it is because I could not get my coffee and breakfast because they failed their inspection. I sincerely doubt that will happen!

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