Friday, February 02, 2007

One day a week

Wow, I'm tired. This is the only my second week of only having one day a week off, but it is getting to me already! My work week starts on Saturday when I teach 2 classes, a matched Writing and Grammar course, at Hudson County Community College. Sunday is similar, only then I teach a matched Reading and Academic Speaking course. Then on Monday, I teach at the charter school in the Bronx for a few hours, have a short break, and then teach adults in a library near the charter school. Tuesday I teach Writing with a workshop at St. John's. Wednesday is a mirror of Monday as I do the same thing. Thursday, I return to St. John's to teach Writing again, only with no workshop. Whew. And that leaves me Friday.


Teresa said...

wow! You are a busy man!

Steven Zheng said...

God, I can't imagine the life like yours. Good for you. You are really full of vigor...

alexzephir33 said...

People say that life is learning. You maybe say that life is teaching, right!