Thursday, December 18, 2008

Wedding Enkai

On November 22, 2008, we had our first wedding enkai. (Enkai, remember, is just a dinner party--usually with an open bar.)
Mizuma Chugakko (Jr. High) Women

This enkai was held for our Kyushu people. About 28 people showed up. A few more might have shown up had they been given more notice and if the elementary school that I go to not had a real wedding the day after our enkai.

Mizuma Kominkan (Community Center) Folks
From Left to right, that is Maggie, Nagata-san, Nariko, Tanaka-san, me and Mutsumi over Tamamitsu-san and Tanaka-san.
The date is supposed to be auspicious: 11/22. Couples day. Not sure about the whole reason, something to do with the numbers...
The restaurant was nice, it was not a traditional enkai restaurant. They made their own sweet potato chips and served a mushroom soup in a pumpkin (pumpkins here are green and a little smaller than your average US pumpkin). Unfortunately, Mutsumi and I were talking so much we did not really eat. I did manage to drink to much though; if anyone sees your glass is low, they fill it up, and, as I was talking to almost everybody, everybody kept filling mine up.

I should have taken more pictures.

Araki Shogakko (Elementary)

From left to right--Me and Mutsumi, Shingai-sensei, Egami-sensei, Nagano-san, Nagano baby, and Nagano-sensei

Near the end, Emily and Nariko got up and did a duet, Take the A Train. That was great!

I did not get a picture of the men from Mizuma Chugakko or most of my Gaijin friends. Shoganai! (That means `Oh, well` or `C`est la vie!`)

At the end, Tanaka-san was very tired--and a little drunk. We over stayed our welcome by more than 30 minutes. We were having a good time, and I, the host, didn`t pay attention!


Back in October, Mutsumi and I went to Unzen.

Unzen is a volcano south of where I live. It has created its own penisula, just to the east of Nagasaki. It last erupted in 1991 when is continued to spew lava and ash sporadically through 1995. On a clear day, I can see it from my apartment. (Don`t worry Ma, I am safe!)

Because of the volcanic activity, there are hot springs there. There is a small town that rests in the cradle of the mountains just south of the volcano. The town smells like sulfur but has great hot baths which the Japanese call onsens. This sign entreats you to enjoy the hot water as long as you can.

You won`t find a picture of an onsen here, besides the fact that I would not take my camera in with all that water, most people would be offended that some idiot was taking their picture while they were bathing. Wouldn`t you?

The hot springs are called Hells in Japanese. Try to imagine being in one for eternity...

Ah, you get the idea!

Japanese devils/demons are called Oni.

This oni is in Beppu, one of THE hot spring centers in Japan (it has the most hot spring activity anywhere in the world outside of Yellowstone). I will tell you about Beppu another time, but I had to show you the picture!

The Japanese have quite a tourist industry set up around their natural hot springs. The onsens that are attached to these are supposed to be better for you, curing everything from rheumetism to eczema... Unzen has some huge hotels.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008


Last year, I watched three houses be built very quicky on a road I use coming home from school. I thought it might be a good thing to take pictures and show what happens here when they build things. But I did not do it--the houses went up so fast.

Then, this spring, a new building was built across the street. It is a dentist`s office. Should have done the same thing, taken pictures, but didn`t do it.
This summer, I noticed that they were tearing out what was sort of a garden/yard of a house I pass everyday. I know the woman that lives there, she works at the community center (kominkan) and says hello to me all the time. I was disappointed to see the trees go that were there. Then I saw the land flattened and I guessed they were going to build another house. When I came back from America in September, the house was finished. It sat very close to other house of the woman who says hi to me.

Then, her house was gone.
One Tuesday three weeks ago (I don`t go by on Mondays), I went by and saw her house was gone. Totally. The land was flat and clear next to the new house. Another week went by, with some municipal work under the street and then I figured out they were going to build another new house, this time on the plot of the old house. They poured foundations and let them dry. With the rain we had that week (Sept 25-28), they covered things with tarp. I finally figured I should take a picture. I used my phone and this is the picture I took on Thursday, October 2.

Then, Monday, October 6, I had a change of plans and had to go by the area and took this picture. No joke. They did that work over the weekend!

I heard they make pre-fab houses in boxes and import them from Canada. That is the only explanation I can give.

Mutsumi and I wonder at these houses. They have to have next to no insulation--few houses in JP do. I wonder how they do in an earthquake...

Thursday, October 02, 2008


Yes, they still have Big Boy Restaurants in Japan.

I took these pictures to send X96, a radio station in Utah. They sent me the shirt. Once in a while, I go somewhere weird and have my picture taken with the shirt. They then post it on their website: If you scroll down, they have a section called RFH Photos. One of those sections is called Boners around the World (sic).

Besides Big Boy Restaurants, they also have Denny`s here (oh man! I just realized I never got to Denny`s while I was home!). You can look at the Big Boy menu here: If you don`t have Japanese fonts on your computer, the pages may look like a bunch of goobleydeygook--sorry! There will be some English though, and you can just click on the pictures. Lots of meat there. How about that egg on a steak? Nope, sorry, no breakfast items. Denny`s is the same:

Other similar restaurants are Ringer Hut and Joyfull. There are more, I can`t remember all their names. The items they serve are, I think, usually called Yoshoku. So much meat that I have never been to any of them! Mutsumi says they are gross, but my students seem to like them.


In the spring, we went to Kumamoto-jo (-jo just means castle).

Kumamoto-ken is the prefecture just south of mine (Fukuoka-ken) and Kumamoto-shi is the major city. The castle is where the first major battle between the traditionalist samurai and the modern leaning government took place that was depicted in The Last Samurai (only it was not an American helping them, more like a few Europeans). It is called the Satsuma Rebellion.

The castle is now 401 years old. They rebuilt the hall that was the main socializing area (the Lord`s Inner Hall) for the 400th anniversary--only they didn`t finish it in time. When we went, it had only been open for a couple of months. It was very nice. It was made with a light-colored yellow wood that was in strong contrast to the black keep, towers and walls.

As a matter of fact, Kumamoto-jo is called the Black Castle because of the blackness. Osaka-jo is called the white castle. I still have pictures from last year posted below that you can see and the castle behind me in the picture on the upper right is Osaka-jo.

Kumamoto-jo is one of the three best castles in Japan. The Japanese love classifying things as the best in a category. I always get mystified when they ask me what is my favorite something or other what is the best because I don`t always think like that as a general rule. When I am asked what is my favorite country to have visited, I always balk--how do you answer that? The people everywhere I go are great--why would I say anyone was better than another? I can only have one favorite food? For a list of the top three things in many categories, go to

The castle, like most, has been rebuilt. This was started in 1960. Most of the damage came from the Satsuma Rebellion. One corner tower on the wall is the only thing left undestroyed. It has been renovated, but it is still considered an original structure, 400 years old!

Ever wondered what the facilities in a fuedal Japanese castle look like?

Kumamoto was just an hour drive south of my place. Mutsumi and I went with one of my students from the adult English conversation class (eikaiwa) I taught last winter. He came with his wife and two young boys. His name is Goichi--I am afraid I do not remember the rest of their names. The picture is Goichi and his oldest son.

Friday, September 12, 2008


I just did the first post that I had done in about three months, and I have about five minutes to do another: Godzilla. I know you thought he was a lot taller, but he was still scary enough to make me run. And scream.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


In May, Katie, Arthur and I went to a nearby castle, Shimabara-jo (the -jo on the end just means castle). It is in Nagasaki prefecture. We drove in my car about an hour south to a ferry, took a 45 minute ferry ride, and then drove for another 45 min. south from there on the Nagasaki penisula (on the east side, Nagasaki City is on the west).

Shimabara-jo is famous for being one of last places the Japanese Christians stood their ground before being all but wiped out.
From the top, we could see easily in all directions--there was little of the standard haze. To the west is the bay, with Kumamoto on the farside--I will talk about Kumamoto-jo shortly in another blog. To the north (and a little east) I could see my area, albeit it faintly. To the west, very near, is Mt. Unzen (Unzen-san) a fairly active volcano. When it blew just over 200 years ago it created the worst tsunami in Japanese history. (I am hoping to go there this weekend--maybe I will get to send pictures!)

Outside, was the standard garden, with some bizarre statues. Not sure why, helping local talent?

The castle is pretty standard rebuilt-with-concrete-Japanese-castle, but it was still pretty cool.

After our short visit at the castle, we went for a walk. We passed by the Koi City. Inside the town, they have many small canals--not even two feet wide--which were, I assume, originally for irrigation. The town has put in a bunch of wire gates and created areas for the koi--the famous Japanese carp--to swim around in. Yes, we saw a few cats too...

Please enjoy these photos of the koi I borrowed from the web.

After, we passed through a graveyard with a large reclining Buddha. Somebody paid a lot for that. Its head is bigger than mind (I mean literally!).

Then we walked to a Shinto shrine where there were icons of all the important dieties. And more scrolls on the walls then we could care to count. The fellow who showed us the shrine talked to us briefly about how sad it was for him to know that the shrines (and Buddhist temples too) did not have enough young people interested in them to take care of them for the future.
In the picture on the right, above the door and windows, it looks like white wall paper, but those are really stacked piles of scrolls, about 4 inches long, laid on top of each like round bricks.

Thursday, May 15, 2008


The last week of March through the first week of April was the break between the end of the old school year and the beginning of the new. It also coincides with the Japanese cherry (Sakura) blossoms blooming. I decided to skip the festival and head to the beach.
My friends Matt and Gail live in Bangkok (called Krung Thep by the locals). They work at an international school, he as an administrator and she as an English teacher. I met Gail when we both were teaching at St. John`s University. (At the time Matt was an administrator a school on Long Island--the same one they filmed School of Rock with Jack Black at.)
I arrived when Matt and Gail were out of town. The first day I ate the way-too-spicy shrimp curry Gail`s housekeeper left for me. Way-too-spicy.

The second morning started out ambitious. I got a haircut. I got a massage (Thai massages are strong, different from Japanese, but good). I went to the store. I bought 6 bags of chips and 4 bags of cookies.

Ok, I admit, it sounds kind of nuts. They had Lays chips in all sorts of flavors (Spicy Thai Seafood, Mayonaise and Seafood, Nori) and real oreos--regular, dark chocolate and peanut butter. Of course I went nuts. I can get Oreos in Japan, but only the regular kind. I also bought Herbal Essence Shampoo and my hair still smells good.

After lunch, I went to a mall dedicated to electronics, Pantip Plaza. I was in geek heaven. Seven floors of boutiques and stalls with a couple of larger stores all dedicated to electronic stuff. Crazy. Bootleg DVDs, CDs, and videogames were easy to be had--touts kept asking me in low whispers if I wanted porn--on the first two levels. The second and third level had many restaurants. (The system for the restaurants is one I have seen in Japan and America before. You buy meal tickets at a booth and then you give them to the people who give you the food.) There were a few restaurants (fast food really) on the first level, too; I just had to stop at A&W for a root beer. Not something I drank at home, but I had to have it there. Higher floors had a wide range of stores from boutiques dedicated to Apple or Dell products to camera stores to book stores on electronics to computer casing stores to keyboard stores... New and used, this place had everything. And I walked it too. Took about three hours. Geek heaven, as I said.

The taxi driver got lost getting me back to Matt and Gails. Usually, the main streets have names and the side streets are numbered (and called `soi`) going out from the city center. Matt and Gail`s house is in a subdivision that has side streets from the main street, but that main street is also a soi from a major road (highway?) heading north-east of of town; it is called Ramkhamhaeng . Matt and Gail`s particluar soi is Soi 17. The subdivision road is Soi 191 off of Ramkhamhaeng. The taxi driver didn`t realize I wanted him to take me 5km out of town, not just two. He took me to 17 where I called the guards at the subdivision (Gail lent me her phone--Thanks again Gail!!!) who set the driver straight. Unfortunately, he missed the onramp for the overhead express highway and it took 90 minutes to get home in the rush hour traffic.

The curry made not going out--even for one beer--seem like not a good idea that night.
The next day, I set out for the used book store. As you can guess, English books in Japan are expensive. I don`t think there is even a used English book store in Fukuoka. I was in the store for five seconds before I grabbed my first book. Which was immediately followed by three more. At that point in time, I was very worried. I had been in the store for only a couple of minutes and I already had a pile of books. Fortunately, that was just the new arrivals section and things went much slower as I moved away from them. Eventually, I settled upstairs in the genre sections and leisurely scanned the available books. It was not Powell`s by any means--it was about the size of a 7-Eleven, but it was still great. (I picked up `The Wonderous Life of Oscar Wao` by Junot Diaz. I read it while I was there, making it the first Pullitzer Prize winning book I read before it won the prize.)

I ended up with 15 books, spending only about US$70. Not a bad deal as far as I am concerned. Those same books would run me over Y300 in Japan (about US$300). I actually bought a cheap backpack to carry them in--I was totally unprepared.

After that, I got a pedicure and a manicure. And a facial. Why not? My toenails needed to be cut and a different girl did my fingernails. Actually, I should be clear here: The woman doing my toes was almost as tall as me (remember what a rarity that is in Asia) and was clearly not born a female. Nevertheless, she was a she. Also, the person who seemed to be a manager, and spoke better English, came up and flirted with me for a minute too. She also was not born a woman. While my nails were being done, another girl came in. She started to sell me on a facial, something I felt I didn:t really need. She had me when she dropped the price by half and batted her eyelashes--she was born a she and I fell for her tricks.

After that, I stopped by a mall that was full of upscale boutiques--Louis Vitton anyone? I felt so out of place with my bag of used books I immediately left. I had gone in to find postcards and it seemed obvious that I was in the wrong place.
After that, I decided to walk by Soi Cowboy. You remember that soi is a side street? But that is no number with it, Cowboy, it is a very English word. It got its name during the Vietnam War when the soldiers visited Bangkok. It is side street infamous for its bars and `entertainers.` I thought I would be safe if I went during the day to look. I was sort of right, it was three pm and just starting to come alive. Women were inviting me in for happy hour beers--I love happy hours that last for 3 hours--but not all the places had happy hours. Some still looked closed. All the neon lights were off, but from the look of how many there were, the place looks like the Las Vegas Strip or Times Square at night.
You know, I don`t if it is me, or because I come from prudish America, or both, but I always feel like I still a teenager who has walked into a place (like a bar) that maybe I shouldn`t have. It seems to me that everyone will see me as someone too young to be there. Because oif this I am shocked when they approach me like another customer. Of course, this shock often leads to laughter which, as the laughter is not on my side, leads to me fleeing faster than I came in.

I made another visit to Pantip Plaza and bought some DVDs. Then I hit the mall for a movie. A really bad movie, but a movie, nonetheless. It was less than US$5 (Y500), a real delight after Japan where I usually pay Y1800 (US$15) Before the movie, we all had to stand up for a lengthy period of respect for the king. Thailand still has a king althought the military overthrew the constitutional government. The people really seem to like king, wearing his colors at least once a week. (This reminded me of going to movies in Kenya where we had to stand before movies for the national anthem. The president at that time, Danial Arap Moi, was also prominently featured, but I know he was not loved by the majority of the people.)
My taxi driver home this night did not get me lost. He was not the first driver I stopped though. The first taxi I hailed did not want to take me out of town that far. Too far to go while gas is so expensive and too late to guarantee a fare back into town--or to wherever he lives. My taxi driver not only got me home, he offered to find me company for the evening as it was obvious I was alone...
However the next day, Mutsumi arrived from Japan and Matt and Gail came back from where they were visiting in the north. Mutsumi and I went for another massage before Matt and Gail got back. That night we had a nice dinner at an outdoor restaurant.

The next day, Mutsumi and I caught a bus to go south. We took a three hour ride to a small port to where we caught a ferry to go to Koh Samet, an island that is a national park. We checked into our room and immediately hit the beach.
Sounds nice, eh? Not really:
Wading deep into the water, I stepped on a sea urchin. Two spikes went into my little toe. That caused me to swear and flounder which caused Mutsumi to step on it (or another one) with one foot and then hop in pain onto it with her other foot. We limped slowly onto land and went to the hotel office.
They said there was no problem, other than the really intense pain we were feeling--of course, mine was nothing compared to Mutsumi`s--but I know how bad mine was. One of the hotel staff members came over with a Coke bottle and started hitting the black dots that marked where the spines went into our feet. The idea was to break the spikes into little pieces that dont as much and can be more easily disposed of by our bodies. Mutsumi`s treatment lasted for more than 15 minutes. I know it hurt. Mine went by pretty quick.
Unfortunately, one of the spikes in Mutusmi`s left foot was in the bottom of her arch, right where there was nothing hard for the bottle to break the spike against. One of the spikes in my toe was also unbreakable and is sometimes still sore, a month later. Mutsumi spent the next few days limping around the island.
We spent the next day walking around the north and east parts of the island. We found the really touristy area, which had a better beach than ours, if only because of the waves.
For dinner we went too a restaurant that was sitting over the water on pylons. There is a bell on the mainland that you ring. When the people at the restaurant hear it, they send a boat to pick you up. At the restaurant you can sit on cushions on the floor at a table with a glass top and dangle your feet over the water. We went again the next night when found that if we dropped food down, we could see small fish that were hanging out by the pylons hustle for the food. The crab was excellent. We wanted to order lobster, but as it was an $800 meal from a lobster the size of a small dog, we passed.
The next day we sat on the beach and tried not to get to burnt. We payed a hotel on the east part of the island almost $3 to use their umbrella and chairs. It is a hard life.

We had to leave the next day... Three nights is way to short of time to spend on the beach.

That evening, back in Bangkok, we had a nice dinner at another outside restaurant. I mention that again, because, yes, I know, it was snowing in Utah that week.

After dinner we went to the Mambo Cabaret, a transvestite show. It is located in an old theater (the Manhattan) that has red felt chairs and small round tables for drinks. It was certainly amusing. They played up their show for the older Japanese men in the audience--guaranteed big tippers after the show.
We stopped at the Dubliners Pub (an international chain) for some beer after. It was nice to have a dark beer. Thailand is like Japan in the fact that lagers abound. The most popular is, of course, Singha (6.5%), while Chang and Elephant are local beers and Heineken is produced in-country.

The next day involved sleeping in followed by a massage. At US$15, these massages were well worth it.

Gail had the day off so she took us downtown on a water taxi. This was a fast moving boat that made periodic stops to let people on or off. It had canvas sheets that were pulled up the sides to help keep the horribly dirty water off of us from as the boat roared down the river. It didn`t always work. The water was of such a gross and dirty color that I don`t blame people for cowering as other boats came by.Our first stop after getting into the city was at the Mount Wat (Mount Temple). It was an artificially made hill that we climbed by circling around the outside to get to the temple on the top. The view very informative--it confirmed my view that Bangkok was just one giant sprawl of a city.
After, we took a taxi to Wat Pho, the oldest wat in the city. It houses the famous Reclining Buddha. (Remember Murray Head`s song, One Night in Bangkok?) The Reclining Buddha is 46 m (132ft) long and 15m (40ft) high. It is covered in gold. That is me, standing behind his feet.
We spent an hour walking around and enjoying the temple. The main wat was surrounded by 2 sets of buildings that circled it. Each outside building was really just a wall with a large roof that had glasses cases on the inside that house hundreds of gold foil-covered Buddhas. The Buddhas are all sitting in lotsu position are are about 5 feet tall. All in all, there are over 1,000 images of Buddha in the temple and most of them are those in the glass cases.
After we met Matt at an Indian Restaurant. Yum! I was not sick of Thai food, by any means, but our hosts do live there... We then went to a giant night market, Lumpini, that had a huge beer garden with a stage and live music. I was so tired that I could not enjoy it though.

The next day took us to Chatachuk Weekend Market. It is a huge market with just about everything for sell. In the two or three hours that we were there, I think I saw less than 1/10th of it.
After another dinner with Matt and Gail (we had real italian pizza and real german beer!), Mutsumi and I took seperate night flights back to Japan.