Thursday, October 02, 2008


Yes, they still have Big Boy Restaurants in Japan.

I took these pictures to send X96, a radio station in Utah. They sent me the shirt. Once in a while, I go somewhere weird and have my picture taken with the shirt. They then post it on their website: If you scroll down, they have a section called RFH Photos. One of those sections is called Boners around the World (sic).

Besides Big Boy Restaurants, they also have Denny`s here (oh man! I just realized I never got to Denny`s while I was home!). You can look at the Big Boy menu here: If you don`t have Japanese fonts on your computer, the pages may look like a bunch of goobleydeygook--sorry! There will be some English though, and you can just click on the pictures. Lots of meat there. How about that egg on a steak? Nope, sorry, no breakfast items. Denny`s is the same:

Other similar restaurants are Ringer Hut and Joyfull. There are more, I can`t remember all their names. The items they serve are, I think, usually called Yoshoku. So much meat that I have never been to any of them! Mutsumi says they are gross, but my students seem to like them.

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