On November 22, 2008, we had our first wedding enkai. (Enkai, remember, is just a dinner party--usually with an open bar.)
Mizuma Chugakko (Jr. High) Women
Mizuma Chugakko (Jr. High) Women
This enkai was held for our Kyushu people. About 28 people showed up. A few more might have shown up had they been given more notice and if the elementary school that I go to not had a real wedding the day after our enkai.
From Left to right, that is Maggie, Nagata-san, Nariko, Tanaka-san, me and Mutsumi over Tamamitsu-san and Tanaka-san.
The date is supposed to be auspicious: 11/22. Couples day. Not sure about the whole reason, something to do with the numbers...
The restaurant was nice, it was not a traditional enkai restaurant. They made their own sweet potato chips and served a mushroom soup in a pumpkin (pumpkins here are green and a little smaller than your average US pumpkin). Unfortunately, Mutsumi and I were talking so much we did not really eat. I did manage to drink to much though; if anyone sees your glass is low, they fill it up, and, as I was talking to almost everybody, everybody kept filling mine up.
I should have taken more pictures.
Araki Shogakko (Elementary)
From left to right--Me and Mutsumi, Shingai-sensei, Egami-sensei, Nagano-san, Nagano baby, and Nagano-sensei
Near the end, Emily and Nariko got up and did a duet, Take the A Train. That was great!I did not get a picture of the men from Mizuma Chugakko or most of my Gaijin friends. Shoganai! (That means `Oh, well` or `C`est la vie!`)
At the end, Tanaka-san was very tired--and a little drunk. We over stayed our welcome by more than 30 minutes. We were having a good time, and I, the host, didn`t pay attention!